Terms Of Service

Details on our Complaints Procedure

Version 1.0 01/10/2014

How you can complain

We aim to be number one for customer service. However, sometimes things can go wrong and when they do, we want to put them right for you as quickly as we can. If you are a TandyUK customer then here are the ways you can contact us to raise your complaint:
Online Support Ticket
Go to https://www.tandyukservers.co.uk/submitticket.php (you'll need your account username and password) and you will be able to raise your complaint quickly and directly to our Customer Relations Team.
You can also do this by emailing support@tandyukservers.co.uk

By Letter
It takes longer to reply by letter, but if you prefer to write, please send your letter to the address below. Make sure you include the account username, postcode and telephone number of the service you're complaining about.
write to:

Complaints Dept
TandyUK Servers Limited
Amelia House
Crescent Road
West Sussex
BN11 1RL

What we'll do and when

Our aim is to resolve any problem as quickly as possible, preferably during a phone call or online via our Support ticket system.
We'll respond within 14 days of receiving your letter, within 7 days if you raise your complaint via our Support ticket system and if we're unable to sort out your complaint when you phone us, we'll call you back within 2 working days.
We'll try to sort out your complaint on the spot, but whatever happens, we'll keep you regularly updated.
If our Customer Relations Team are unable to resolve your complaint, we'll escalate this to our Director.

What to do if you're still not happy

If you're still not happy having followed the process explained above, and we've sent you a 'deadlock' letter or eight weeks have passed since you complained, you can refer your complaint to Ombudsman Services: Communications.

Ombudsman Services: Communications

Ombudsman Services: Communications provides a free independent service for customers who aren't satisfied with the final outcome of their complaints.
Ombudsman Services: Communications can't deal with complaints about commercial policy (such as, for example, our prices or broadband availability). Nor can it deal with complaints from businesses with more than ten employees.
If you complain to Ombudsman Services: Communication, you must do so within six months of receiving your 'deadlock' letter. If we haven't sent you a 'deadlock' letter, you must contact Ombudsman Services: Communications within nine months of making your complaint to us.
You can contact Ombudsman Services: Communications at:
Ombudsman Services: Communications
PO Box 730
Phone: 0330 440 1614, 01925 430049 or 0845 050 1614
Fax: 0330 440 1615 or 01925 430059
Textphone: 0845 051 1513 or 0330 440 1600
Email: enquiries@os-communications.org
Website: www.ombudsman-services.org/communications.html

Please note: by signing up for any of our services you agree to be bound by all TandyUK Terms and Conditions.